The Importance Of Arson Dog Training Supplies

Dog and Puppy Training

The Importance Of Arson Dog Training Supplies

Arson Detection dog training

Arson dogs are an important tool in helping to solve suspicious fires. These dogs are used to find evidence of a fire that was intentionally set; however, long before they are capable of providing their valuable service to law enforcement or other handlers, they must go through a rigorous training period. These dogs are capable of detecting the presence of an accelerant, even at levels too low to be detected by modern machines. An important part of their training involves the use of quality arson dog training supplies and plenty of positive interaction in the process of learning to alert to even small traces of an accelerant.

Every arson dog is trained to detect a variety of different types of accelerants and is typically taught to alert in a passive manner. Most handlers prefer a passive alert, such as the dog sitting; however, some dogs have been trained to alert by becoming excited, trying to make eye contact with their handler and generally showing a change in their demeanor. Of course, the use of arson dogs is a growing interest because of their ability to provide a very important asset for insurance companies and law enforcement personnel. With their ability to accurately alert of the presence of accelerants, solving the cause of suspicious fires takes on an entirely new level.

The first step in training an arson dog is to ensure that the right arson dog training supplies are used. While it might seem obvious, one of the most important elements in this process is the dog. It is imperative that the right type of dog is chosen and that the appropriate training begins when the dog is still fairly young. Typically, the ideal dog would be one that has a clear willingness to please, as well as a good energy level and a fearless nature. Dogs who cower in frightening situations or who are easily distracted are probably not a good choice to use in this type of training.

Once the right dog is selected, the basic arson training dog supplies will include a 50% evaporated supply of an accelerant, as well as something that a small sample of the accelerant can be applied to. Using only a drop of this mixture on a towel, tennis ball or some other material is often the first step in introducing the dog to the accelerant. The trainer will use positive reinforcement or perhaps a food treat to reward the dog when they alert on the accelerant; however, maintaining a consistent reward system is imperative to the dog’s success!

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